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Davide De Angelis



Regular price $360.00 USD
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VITAL FLAME sessions are fundamentally different from conventional coaching, guidance or teaching.

The focus is to assist you in the process of making a profound shift in your awareness and knowing - to gain power and clarity about how to flourish, physically, creatively and Spiritually.

This shift serves to liberate you from discomfort and burden of living from the fear-based context of just survival, constant threat and competition - what I call ‘The Command’. This is a profound gift to both yourself, those you love and ultimately the greater aspects of life.

Essentially the sessions work energetically - linguistically, spiritually - magically - to activate in you what I call the ‘VITAL FLAME’ - your natural ‘Radiant Human Nature’.

Importantly, many clients use these sessions on a regular basis as a way to stay focused and vitalised on what is truly important - to bring radiant energy into all aspects of their life including their work, health and relationships. They discover how to make their businesses and work situations flourish without the turmoil of endless grind. They naturally discover how to enhance their vital health and wellbeing and be a catalyst for others to do the same. And they discover the wonder of connecting with magickal aspects of reality to help guide them towards their most impactful and joyful expression of life!  

Your Vital Flame is the essence of what life wants to manifest through you. We can call this your gift or purpose, however you will discover the truth is far more amazing!

This Vital Flame, or light intelligence sits within the core of your being, it is the universal orchestrating principle. In pretty much everyone, this miraculous living principle has been completely forgotten, hidden and overwritten by the relentless noise of deep, unconscious conditioning, trauma and entrenched limitations. 

The culture and systems we find ourselves in work to shut down this magickal aspect of our nature. I'm sure, if you are reading this, you can relate to what I'm saying and have a deep yearning and sense that a more beautiful and free way to live is possible. As children we go through what can be described as a great forgetting of our innate brilliance and the radiant intelligence that we all have access to. Sadly for most, this forgetting shapes their entire life, chasing after a version of 'happiness' that has no capacity to deliver a true sense of vital expression and fulfilment.  

However, once your Vital Flame is recognised (re-cognitised), your response (ability to respond) to situations and circumstances will guide you deeper into full participation in your life, creating your life in evermore imaginative and unexpected ways. 

As your understanding evolves, You will naturally experience your inherent capacity for fulfilment through the unfolding of your own unique pattern of life. This is important: your own unique pattern of life. Fulfilment arises as a consequence of living fully: it is an emergent phenomenon. It is a gift that’s delivered through the momentum of living.

The switch to a fundamentally expansive, radiant living system happens completely naturally the more you journey into what arises through us working together: mysteriously, although it appears to take place in time and its effects play out in time, it is not an ‘occurrence’ in time.

Please don’t mistake what I’m saying here. All your problems perceived or otherwise won’t disappear overnight. You will not instantly be transported to a shinning realm where all the vicissitudes of life have been wiped clean. To your surprise you may discover that you are no longer interested in such notions. 

You may discover that you no longer desire people and situations to be different. Instead, you will choose what you want to create. Your life, AS IT IS, shows up as the raw materials from which you can create what you want. It becomes fun to have all the wild diversity of your life to create with. You become the Creative Alchemist.

You will be available for whatever shows up in your life. It will open like a flower: it will become fertile. Your actions, interactions, and the space you create – your participation in life – will potentialise fresh possibilities. 

You literally bring life to Life. You fully ignite the living of your VITAL FLAME. Another way to view this is to become the ARTIST OF YOUR LIFE! Surprisingly, for some people, over time the nagging, critical voice in their head transforms into an ally instead of a goad. 

As a consequence of making this shift, you will soon notice a great cleansing is taking place. Your mind will be systematically cleansed of old resentments, regrets and the nagging misery of self-criticism and complaints about life. 

Your physical body will also undergo a shift. It will move towards vitality. A greater sense of vitality and energy will increasingly manifest. You won’t need to go looking for this because it is simply a by-product of switching to a radiant operating system. You will choose health and vitality and create it through your actions. 

Over time, as you continue to explore this possibility, a very different form of persona or personality will emerge and be expressed as you, through you. Importantly, you will be able to enjoy it and fully express it. 

Paradoxically, you will feel more like you than ever, purely because something false and uncomfortable will no longer be able to block your natural light. 

This new form of you will have access to many more viewpoints and possibilities because it will be running what I describe as a ‘radiant’ operating system (The Guiding Light): a system of ‘being’ that constantly opens and fully embraces life instead of closing and restricting. 

The sessions normally last around one and a half hours... possibly longer.

So…If you have a burning desire to experience and express something, to live with a sense of freedom and excitement - to have the power and courage to make the changes you need, don’t let the same old excuses - money-time-relationships - hold you back.

Most people arrive back in the hands of providence unopened, unexpressed. They never realise that it was actually easier to manifest something extraordinary - magical - rather than something steady and mediocre. 

Always remember, you can never lose when you choose to invest in YOU - YOUR LIFE! YOUR CREATIVE SPIRIT. This is the most important investment you can make!

Your next step is to book your first session and start creating. Choose a date and time via the calendar booking system.


Once you have paid for your session and booked a date and time, you will receive via email the information to attend your session.

I really look forward to helping you ignite your VITAL FLAME!


What clients are saying about working with Davide:

Davide is an absolute master at helping people reach what they feel is their highest purpose .. And then guiding them to create entirely new and amazing possibilities. Working with Davide has revolutionised my life and he will do the same for you. All you have to do is step forward

Arvind Devalia - Executive coach, author, speaker

Davide’s unique creative insights and powerful guidance have inspired me to keep expanding my perceptions of what’s possible… working with him has been nothing short of extraordinary. Having Davide coach and guide you will be a total game-changer!

Katrina Love Senn - Author, business owner, product creator

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